Featured upcoming and ongoing events at CT

Tried &
Mar 23 | 9am
On March 23rd, please join us for the Ignite Service at 9:00 a.m. for one of our annual “Tried and True” Services. During this service, we’ll be doing the hymns you know and love! We hope to see you there!
On March 23rd, please join us for the Ignite Service at 9:00 a.m. for one of our annual “Tried and True” Services. During this service, we’ll be doing the hymns you know and love! We hope to see you there!

Apr 13 | 10:30 Service
Please mark your calendars for the Chancel Choir performance of the cantata "Blessed" by Joel Raney, on Palm Sunday, April 13 during the traditional worship service.
This musical journey explores Holy Week through the lens of the Beatitudes. Through this experience, all are invited to see the Beatitudes with a new understanding: Christ is not only the One who blesses, but by becoming one of us, is Himself one of the blessed.
The choir will be accompanied by musicians including Mark Haven (violin), Jeff Roquemore (flute), and our very own Andy Ruetz (trombone) and Jan Gatton-Shirer (piano).
Please make plans to invite your family and friends to attend this very meaningful musical event
Please mark your calendars for the Chancel Choir performance of the cantata "Blessed" by Joel Raney, on Palm Sunday, April 13 during the traditional worship service.
This musical journey explores Holy Week through the lens of the Beatitudes. Through this experience, all are invited to see the Beatitudes with a new understanding: Christ is not only the One who blesses, but by becoming one of us, is Himself one of the blessed.
The choir will be accompanied by musicians including Mark Haven (violin), Jeff Roquemore (flute), and our very own Andy Ruetz (trombone) and Jan Gatton-Shirer (piano).
Please make plans to invite your family and friends to attend this very meaningful musical event

Maundy Thursday Service
Apr 17 | 7:30pm
Maundy Thursday Service in the Fellowship Hall
Maundy Thursday Service in the Fellowship Hall

Good Friday
Apr 18 | 11am
Good Friday Family Communion offered in the sanctuary with Pastor Exman between 11am-1pm.
Good Friday Family Communion offered in the sanctuary with Pastor Exman between 11am-1pm.

Egg Hunt
Apr 19 | 10am
Mark your calendar for our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday April 19th at 10:00am. Stay tuned for more details.
Mark your calendar for our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday April 19th at 10:00am. Stay tuned for more details.

Apr 27 | morning worship
Celebrating this year's confirmation class.
Celebrating this year's confirmation class.

Plastic Bags
& Plastic Packaging Recycling
Thank you so much for all your donations.
Plastic recycling is now finished; please continue to donate your plastic by taking it to your local collection center - Kroger, etc.
Plastic recycling is now finished; please continue to donate your plastic by taking it to your local collection center - Kroger, etc.

Angel Wings Prayer Shawl Ministry
Thursdays in the Parlor | 5pm
Whether you knit or crochet, are a beginner or experienced, join us to stitch prayer shawls and baby blankets.
September 2023 marked the 15th anniversary for this ministry. Over the years we have given more than 630 shawls as well as baby blankets for Gifts for Angels and for service families stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the DAR, support shawls for Lifeline of Ohio, and hats and scarves for the Mitten Tree at Christmas.
The group meets on Thursdays September-May, 5–7 p.m. in the parlor. All are welcome for stitching, praying, and fellowship.
Please continue to pray for the group and for past and future recipients of shawls or blankets.
Whether you knit or crochet, are a beginner or experienced, join us to stitch prayer shawls and baby blankets.
September 2023 marked the 15th anniversary for this ministry. Over the years we have given more than 630 shawls as well as baby blankets for Gifts for Angels and for service families stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the DAR, support shawls for Lifeline of Ohio, and hats and scarves for the Mitten Tree at Christmas.
The group meets on Thursdays September-May, 5–7 p.m. in the parlor. All are welcome for stitching, praying, and fellowship.
Please continue to pray for the group and for past and future recipients of shawls or blankets.